Cut flowers
“I must have flowers, always, and always”. -Monet
I can’t recall a time in the past when flowers weren’t a source of life and light. I remember as a little girl being keenly aware of the sights and smells that surrounded me, and not much has changed I guess. You see, God tells us a lot about Himself in the details of what He’s made, and the older I get, the more I’m in complete awe of the awesome God we serve. In our first home together, I wanted to decorate our tiny apartment balcony with flowers. When we bought our first house, I remember excitedly anticipating that first trip to
the greenhouse for annuals to add splashes of color to the landscape. When we began to realize we would be moving to land, it’s almost as if the Lord handed us a blank canvas that measured appropriately 10 acres. To say the excitement within was bursting forth is a gross understatement. We immediately set out to grow as much as we possibly could, and it’s only gotten better with each passing year. It has not been easy, but it is worth every bit of try-fail-try again effort.